Thursday, May 20, 2010

Doll Photography

I took a shot at it days ago..using some second hand barbies..two in original clothing one of them is fashion fever Kayla..three I redressed...
here it goes...

If you can Identify any of the others please comment


  1. The blond in the pink top is a Fashion Fever Barbie from 2004. (#H0 660) She is in her original outfit. She should have pink boots and it looks like black socks that come out of the boot. Hair looks like it should be pulled back.

    The Teresa doll looks like she has pink legs. If so, maybe a ballerina?

  2. Great photos! What type of camera are you using?

  3. yes Teresa is a bellerina.
    thanks..its a Sony digital Camera...Im planning on buying a canon rebel..
    Do you know what dress is the striped purple one from? I had a barbie that wore it as a preteen and I really want to recreat my childhood barbies..

  4. Have been looking for the stripped purple dress. Haven't any luck yet. I did get to update a few of my posts while going through some books. Also found a doll with the same white dress but different doll. I will keep looking.

  5. oh really? what doll is that? my sister got that dress at a garage sale...without a doll.
